Healthy on a Budget Your time, money, and health are all valuable, so plan for meals that let you have all three. Scroll down for resources and tips that make healthy food possible on any schedule or budget. Smart Shopping for Healthy Groceries Eating healthy doesn't have to take a bite out of your budget. These tools and resources can help you stretch your food dollars spent on fruits and veggies. Farmers Market Your local Farmers Market is one of the best shopping deals around. If you have CalFresh benefits, you can shop at Farmers Markets that accept EBT. Take the whole family, taste fresh produce, pick up cooking tips and stretch your dollar so you can make delicious, healthy, affordable meals for you and your family. Learn about the Market Match program and using your CalFresh benefits at farmers markets. How Market Match works Get More Groceries with These Programs Your dollar buys twice as much at markets participating in the Market Match program. WIC and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program also give you extra money to spend on fruits and vegetables. Because it's farm-to-table fresh, you'll be serving your family the healthiest California-grown food. Learn more about CalFresh Healthy Living programs and CalFresh benefits to help you stretch your food dollars. Find participating markets near you How to grow your own at home Growing your own veggies and herbs doesn't have to be hard. There are simple ways you can start at home with kitchen scraps or from scratch. It's a fun activity that can also help you save on groceries, plus, you'll always have fresh produce on hand. Learn how to grow a home garden of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs with CalFresh benefits. How to grow your own at home Save at the Store Spending a little time planning ahead can save you money. Shopping in season, searching for sales, starting at the perimeter of the store where the fresh food is first, and skipping pre-packaged foods are just some tactics that can trim your grocery bill. Learns tips on ways to stretch your dollars at the grocery store and the most efficient ways to plan, prepare and store food. Get more smart shopping advice Get More Out of Your Grocery Budget The way you plan, prepare, and store food can add up to your savings over time. Check out these tips for ways to stretch your dollars and your meals. How To Shop On a Budget Planning ahead and being a savvy shopper can make a small budget feel much bigger. Try these simple changes to how you buy groceries, and watch how they can add up to big savings. Start saving How To Meal Plan & Prep Food Planning and preparing food ahead can save you time and money. Once you get a routine started, you'll spend less money, eat healthy food, AND spend less time cooking throughout the week. Learn basic food safety tips for handling and preparing healthy meals at home. Start prepping Plan Healthy Menus That Work For You Spacing needed You can shrink your grocery bills by planning meals ahead of time and by using the same ingredients in different recipes. Here are some templates that can help you plan what you'll prepare throughout the week. Find healthy meal ideas Buy in Bulk & Smart Storage Budgets last longer when you actually eat all the food you buy. For staples like beans and rice, that can mean buying in bulk. Storing fresh fruits and vegetables correctly makes them last longer. Preparing extra food and then freezing the leftovers not only helps you avoid food waste, but it also saves you time later. Get tips Find More Healthy Tips Mastered savvy shopping? Put those tools to use with these healthy tips and resources. Get more tips