Worksite Wellness

Adults spend a lot of time at work, often with little control over the food and drinks available. Creating a healthy work environment can be great for employees. It can improve their overall health and well-being. A wellness program can also be good for business. Healthy food options and physical activity should be a part of any implemented worksite wellness program.

Two men eating lunch on bench outside office building

Wellness Starts at Home

A healthy lifestyle starts at home. Check out the below tips to ensure you’re just as successful with your nutritional goals at work as you are at home.

Healthy Eating

Making healthy food and beverage choices at work can help you stay energized and focused throughout the day. Some examples include keeping healthy snacks at arm’s reach, packing your own lunch using leftovers, creating simple sandwiches and salads, and choosing water over sugary beverages. If you are interested in healthy meetings at work, consider Healthy Meeting guidelines and talk with your supervisor about offering healthy food options and an opportunity for a physical activity break during meetings.

Woman sitting at computer eating a salad while working

Woman sitting outside in courtyard eating a healthy snack of cucumber slices


Try these simple ideas for snacks that are healthy, easy to prep, and ready-to-eat when you need a boost of energy to get through your workday.

  • Nuts (low or no salt) and dried fruit
  • Cut up vegetables with hummus or low-fat dips
  • Fresh fruit and yogurt
  • Low-fat string cheese
  • Apples and nut butters

Packing Healthy Lunch Options

Bringing your own lunch from home helps you control portions, choose healthier ingredients, and can also help save money. Pack a healthy, balanced lunch that will keep your body fueled for the afternoon.

Woman making a healthy lunchbox

Woman at holding reusable water bottle while working at desk

Choose Water for Health

Our bodies need water to work properly. Water helps our body use nutrients found in food and helps control our body temperature. Plain water has zero calories and is a healthier option than sugary beverages. Health experts commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses a day. For those who don’t like the taste of plain water, try infusing your water with fruits, herbs, or vegetables, as these ingredients allows you to naturally consume more vitamins and nutrients while providing a tasteful experience.

Learn why you should choose water over Sugar Sweetened Beverages.

The Workplace Workout

Working on a computer all day can damage your posture and tweak the muscles in your neck and lower back. It’s critical to counteract these pressures through stretching and strengthening to ensure a long and healthy career. The following exercises addresses these areas of tightness and strengthens the muscles that naturally weaken over time.

Upper-Body Stretches

Take two minutes to go through a few upper-body stretches you can do at your desk to help you feel your best at work.


Lower-Body Stretches

Take two minutes to go through a few lower-body stretches you can do at your desk to help you feel your best at work.


Desk Stretch Breaks

The Workday Stretching Guide can help you break up long periods of sitting and achieve better flexibility. And if you're spending a lot of time at your desk, try this office yoga stretch break to reduce stress and refresh your mind.


Mindfulness Moments

Brief mental breaks at work help you focus on a task longer, work more productively and get more creative. Take a moment to practice square breathing, a technique to reduce stress and calm your nervous system.


Father and daughter playing basketball

Team Wellness Challenges

Workplace Wellness "Challenges" - activities that engage people in becoming happier, healthier, and more energetic at work - are gaining popularity and changing lives at work. The purpose of challenges is to encourage healthier lifestyle behaviors. Challenges are successful when a supportive, positive climate of fun and camaraderie helps people to adopt or maintain a healthy way of living. With little or no investment in creating a company challenge, the net result is an engaged and productive workforce that performs at a higher level - everybody wins!

  • Walk or bike to work - count each trip to and from or count the miles
  • Do the "Noon Walk" - walk a mile during lunch with coworkers and count the miles. A Monthly Certificate of Achievement is awarded each month for Gold (30 miles), Silver (20 miles), and Bronze (10 miles) levels of achievement.
  • Stair climbing competition - count the stairs climbed everyday toward achieving an established goal for total stairs climbed over a given time period
  • Avoid the elevator - get a point every time that you take the stairs instead of the elevator